About the Series:
The author plans to engross readers into the crime literature by writing exciting novellas that would gradually uncover the two heroes Robert and Fahad and their deeds. Also, the author focuses on all the details and expresses in a wonderful way. He creates a confluence of the East and West, the nativities of both the heroes. The first novella of the series -The Mystery of The Desert Lights- will be released on Kindle Store in many formats very soon.
Robert- The First Hero:
Basically from Europe, he was brought up in Middle East, due to his father’s profession. He is multilingual, intelligent, clever and a learned man. He is enthusiastic about adventures.
Fahad- The Second Hero:
A native of Middle East, he is civilized, strong, problem solver and is smart enough to handle everything the way it is required.
About the Author:
He is an academic Fromer General Prosecutor and Judge currently from somewhere in the Middle East, feeds his novellas from his imagination and love for police and crime stories since youth.